
Homemade Ginger Tea for Nausea

While on the path to restoring your gut health, you may continue to experience symptoms along the way. If you experience nausea, indigestion or get full quickly after, a meal ginger tea can be a great relief.

Nauseous? Ginger tea, please!


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My Favourite Immune-Boosting Chaga Elixir

I speak often about my post-SIBO supplement, nutrition and stress management protocol in my social media posts. I attempted to be someone who didn't rely on nutraceuticals and herbs to support digestion, my nervous system and detoxification and to...

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What Level of Gut Health to Expect After a Gut Healing Protocol

Before embarking on any sort of gut healing journey or therapeutic protocol, it's natural to want to know what level of gut health to expect afterwards.

  • Will all my symptoms be gone?
  • Will I be able to eat all foods again?
  • Will I still need to...
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5 Reasons Your Gut Isn't Healing

Whether you're new to a gut healing journey or you've been around a while, it's safe to say that pretty much anybody who has experienced persistent gut issues feels alone, frustrated, or discouraged at one point or another.

What's worse than...

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Delicious Low FODMAP Coconut Banana Pancakes

Eating a low FODMAP diet does not have to bland, boring or difficult. Although admittedly, it does take some adjustments and planning to wrap your head around what to eat. But here at The IBS
Academy, we are dedicated to making this as simple as...

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Coconut Milk For IBS

Nut, seed, and coconut milk is a saviour for many people who can't tolerate dairy based milks. I remember first hearing of soy milk in grade 9 or 10 when a friend of mine's mom bought it for their fam as the girls were getting gastro symptoms from...

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Is the Keto Diet Right for You?

You may have heard about the keto diet by now, a therapeutic style of eating that involves higher fat and protein intake and low carbohydrate intake.

The Keto Diet, or "ketogenic diet" as it's properly known, has been shown to help improve...

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Anti-Inflammatory Ginger + Turmeric Shot

I've finally stopped giving health food stores all of my money and have begun making my own delicious tonics, elixirs and shots.

You've probably seen anti-inflammatory and immune boosting drinks at places like Fresh, Village Juicery, Greenhouse...

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4-Ingredient Healthy Marshmallow Recipe

I couldn't be more excited about a sweet treat that's gluten, dairy, and refined sugar free. This homemade marshmallow recipe is an incredibly sneaky sweet treat because it's PACKED with
gut healing nutrients and herbs and it 100% tastes like the...

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Antioxidant-Rich Matcha Latte

I have to admit something to you guys... I'm a bit of a rebel. I resist trends, always. Fashion trends, music trends, and of course, food trends.

As a nutritionist, this can be kind of scary! Sometimes I fear that I'm missing the boat as I watch...

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