
Coconut Flour Pancakes with Blueberry Compote

One of the best things about having been gluten-free for many years is when I choose to bake a delicious gluten-free dessert (or pancake)

I almost always have all ingredients on-hand. I loathe heading to the store outside of my weekly shop where I...

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Hue Lemongrass Skewers with Bok Choy and Pickled Carrots

I've been recipe picking and meal prepping for decades at this point. It got pretty boring eating a rotation of the trendy foods like broiled fish, farm to table sausage and pulled pork accompanied by scented quinoa, fresh salads and avocados...

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Lemongrass Chili Chicken (or Tofu) Cooked In Young Coconut Juice

Helloooo my loves!

It's been a minute since I've been here delivering the goods on nutrition, recipes and sharing my experiences as a past IBS sufferer!

To be honest (cause that's my jam) I've been busy getting re-inspired by food...Yes, even...

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Anti-Inflammatory Hemp Milk Recipe


Dairy is one of the most common food allergens. Something we help all of our clients to do here at The IBS Academy is to assess what may be contributing to symptoms (whether that be skin, digestion, inflammation, or fatigue) and more often...

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Simple Sugar-Free Coconut Yogurt


I love to make my own dairy-free yogurt (after many years of unknowingly eating dairy-based yogurt I was reacting to) and skipping the sweeteners too because today's Simple Sugar-Free Coconut Yogurt:

  1. Doesn't need it when you add in...
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Grain-free Walnut Crackers

I was starving. My blood sugar crashes were so intense that I would binge eat whole boxes of pastries, or cookies, often.

This night in particular I wanted to side-step the processed sugar but still wanted the satisfaction of CARBS! Mary's...

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Anti-Inflammatory Green Smoothie Bowl

If you're like us around here this morning, you had a fantastic Canada Day long weekend and are in need of some holistic anti-inflammatory love today.

We ate great food (and a lot of it), and enjoyed some gorgeous white and rosé wines from...

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