
Is the Keto Diet Right for You?

You may have heard about the keto diet by now, a therapeutic style of eating that involves higher fat and protein intake and low carbohydrate intake.

The Keto Diet, or "ketogenic diet" as it's properly known, has been shown to help improve...

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My Top 5 Favourite Ways To Detox

The word detoxification has quite the buzz around it, wouldn't you agree? So many supplements, foods, nutritionists, health coaches and spas (just to name a few) claim to support detoxification. With all of this emphasis on detoxing, it must be...

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Mindfulness: The Key to Improve Digestion

How mindful are you of the impact stress has on your digestion? If you haven't noticed, stress wreaks havoc on the digestive tract. It can cause heartburn, gas, bloating, abdominal pain and irregular bowel movements, and it takes more than just...

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How Stress Leads to IBS

There is no doubt that the gut is sensitive to emotion. Many are familiar with “butterflies” in your stomach or loose stool with anxiety. Well, research reveals just how the gut-brain connection influences our emotional response.


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Your Illness Does Not Define You

As I sit here writing this, I'm reflecting on the past 7-8 years of struggling with chronic illness.

The ups and downs have been colourful to say the least. I've committed to working through mommy issues, daddy issues, sister issues, shame, guilt,...

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The Scoop On Milk: Is Dairy Good for Us?

There is a simple comfort that milk gives us, wouldn't you agree? In our coffee or tea, oatmeal, chia puddings and with a cookie or dessert. A life without milk is possible, but really, who wants it?

Milk was a staple in my home growing up. I'd...

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Causes of Inflammation & How to Reduce It

What causes inflammation, anyway? This is a question often get from my nutrition clients, and it's a good one. We should be questioning our symptoms as they are cues to understanding our body and what changes we may need to implement in order...

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