
My Favourite Immune-Boosting Chaga Elixir

I speak often about my post-SIBO supplement, nutrition and stress management protocol in my social media posts. I attempted to be someone who didn't rely on nutraceuticals and herbs to support digestion, my nervous system and detoxification and to...

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Anti-Inflammatory Ginger + Turmeric Shot

I've finally stopped giving health food stores all of my money and have begun making my own delicious tonics, elixirs and shots.

You've probably seen anti-inflammatory and immune boosting drinks at places like Fresh, Village Juicery, Greenhouse...

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Gut Healing Holiday Elixir

I have to say, I've been über intrigued by all of the elixir recipes that I've seen foodies, nutritionists and healers create and post these days. They always look so cozy, decadent and high quality!

I was recently in Van City and stayed with...

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