
Anti-Inflammatory Ginger + Turmeric Shot

I've finally stopped giving health food stores all of my money and have begun making my own delicious tonics, elixirs and shots.

You've probably seen anti-inflammatory and immune boosting drinks at places like Fresh, Village Juicery, Greenhouse...

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Coconut Flour Pancakes with Blueberry Compote

One of the best things about having been gluten-free for many years is when I choose to bake a delicious gluten-free dessert (or pancake)

I almost always have all ingredients on-hand. I loathe heading to the store outside of my weekly shop where I...

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Anti-Inflammatory Hemp Milk Recipe


Dairy is one of the most common food allergens. Something we help all of our clients to do here at The IBS Academy is to assess what may be contributing to symptoms (whether that be skin, digestion, inflammation, or fatigue) and more often...

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Causes of Inflammation & How to Reduce It

What causes inflammation, anyway? This is a question often get from my nutrition clients, and it's a good one. We should be questioning our symptoms as they are cues to understanding our body and what changes we may need to implement in order...

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Anti-Inflammatory Green Smoothie Bowl

If you're like us around here this morning, you had a fantastic Canada Day long weekend and are in need of some holistic anti-inflammatory love today.

We ate great food (and a lot of it), and enjoyed some gorgeous white and rosé wines from...

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