
Is the Keto Diet Right for You?

You may have heard about the keto diet by now, a therapeutic style of eating that involves higher fat and protein intake and low carbohydrate intake.

The Keto Diet, or "ketogenic diet" as it's properly known, has been shown to help improve...

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4-Ingredient Healthy Marshmallow Recipe

I couldn't be more excited about a sweet treat that's gluten, dairy, and refined sugar free. This homemade marshmallow recipe is an incredibly sneaky sweet treat because it's PACKED with
gut healing nutrients and herbs and it 100% tastes like the...

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Gut Healing Holiday Elixir

I have to say, I've been über intrigued by all of the elixir recipes that I've seen foodies, nutritionists and healers create and post these days. They always look so cozy, decadent and high quality!

I was recently in Van City and stayed with...

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