
Antioxidant-Rich Matcha Latte

I have to admit something to you guys... I'm a bit of a rebel. I resist trends, always. Fashion trends, music trends, and of course, food trends.

As a nutritionist, this can be kind of scary! Sometimes I fear that I'm missing the boat as I watch...

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Activated Charcoal Lemonade

By now you may have heard "activated charcoal" swirling around the health-o-sphere. I'll admit, it definitely doesn't sound appetizing or even remotely close to fitting inside of the category of "healthy", but this jet black substance has gained a...

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My Top 5 Favourite Ways To Detox

The word detoxification has quite the buzz around it, wouldn't you agree? So many supplements, foods, nutritionists, health coaches and spas (just to name a few) claim to support detoxification. With all of this emphasis on detoxing, it must be...

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Hormone Balancing Detox Bowl

There may not be 19 ingredients in this recipe like Susur Lee's 19 Ingredient Singaporean Slaw Salad, but this Japanese and Korean inspired salad is on Susur's heels with its 18 ingredients and powerful hormone balancing benefits.


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