
Delicious Low FODMAP Coconut Banana Pancakes

Eating a low FODMAP diet does not have to bland, boring or difficult. Although admittedly, it does take some adjustments and planning to wrap your head around what to eat. But here at The IBS
Academy, we are dedicated to making this as simple as...

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Coconut Flour Pancakes with Blueberry Compote

One of the best things about having been gluten-free for many years is when I choose to bake a delicious gluten-free dessert (or pancake)

I almost always have all ingredients on-hand. I loathe heading to the store outside of my weekly shop where I...

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Gut-Friendly African Grain Bowl

There is no other meal of the day that makes me as happy as BREAKFAST! (insert fist pump)

Breakfast has always been something I looked forward to, probably mostly because I was starving when I woke up: a common symptom of blood sugar issues...

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