
How To Manage Mother's Day Stress

As a woman who has experienced quite a lot of pain surrounding motherhood I felt it to be important to speak to the other ladies out there who have experienced deep loss surrounding motherhood and share one thing I use to help cope with the pain...

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Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better

I've been thinking about you guys a lot and the New Year's pressure to reinvent oneself. Wouldn't you agree that there's an annual expectation to come up with grandiose goals that will catapult you into the next year with laser precision while...

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Your Illness Does Not Define You

As I sit here writing this, I'm reflecting on the past 7-8 years of struggling with chronic illness.

The ups and downs have been colourful to say the least. I've committed to working through mommy issues, daddy issues, sister issues, shame, guilt,...

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Before I Knew I Had SIBO

I remember doing a fitness photo shoot when I was 25 or 26 years old. I was trying my hardest to make it BIG in the fitness competition world, and this photoshoot was supposed to be my declaration to the world that I meant business and was going...

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Slowing Down in a Fast-Paced World: What I Learned from the South of France

Have you ever been to the south of France? Many moons ago I ate (and drank) my way through little towns along the southern tip of my favourite country in Europe. That trip to Europe was the first time I had ever left Canada, and when I returned...

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Causes of Inflammation & How to Reduce It

What causes inflammation, anyway? This is a question often get from my nutrition clients, and it's a good one. We should be questioning our symptoms as they are cues to understanding our body and what changes we may need to implement in order...

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How I Overcame Sugar Addiction & Blood Sugar Imbalance

Ever since I can remember, I've had a sweet tooth. The romantic part of me has liked to think it's some innocent, kismet attraction that was cute and made me quirky, however, the holistic nutritionist in me has come to terms with reality and...

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If Anyone Gets It, It's Me

Well hello there! I'm Cassandra Hope, Founder of the IBS Academy, fellow IBS warrior, and this is my very first blog for the academy!

I'm so honoured you're here.

For me, blogging is a way for me to connect with others, like you, who are looking...

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Hope With IBS

Dear IBS sufferer,

It’s important for me to be able to relay my story to you because if I could have read this story in the height of my struggle with IBS, it would have saved me years of searching, struggle and pain.

My intention for...

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